Our newly remodeled office and equipment provides our doctors with state-of-the-art technology for better planning and precision when placing implants, creating visual simulations and much more. We specialize in Dental Implants, Cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry.
Using advanced Cerec technology patients can now have a crown completed in just one visit!
Shrewsbury, Claywell & Oliver Dentistry are the only office in the area to offer Sedation Dentistry. We are only 1 of 25 offices state-wide who offer this service.
Shrewsbury, Claywell & Oliver Dentistry has experience in a wide range of dental implants and procedures. We utilize our state-of-the-art technology for better planning and precision when placing implants, creating visual simulations and much more.
We offer laser periodontal therapy to improve the health of your gums. Using a laser to go underneath the gums in addition with traditional scaling of root surfaces greatly reduced the amount of microbes under the gums and also improves healing times and decreases pocket depths, all of which can help to stabilize or reverse periodontitis.
Shrewsbury, Claywell & Oliver Dentistry are the only office in the area to offer Sedation Dentistry. We are only 1 of 25 offices state-wide who offer this service.
Nitrous oxide sedation Sometimes this method is referred to as “inhalation sedation”. A mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas is inhaled via a mask until the desired level of sedation is achieved. You experience an euphoric mild relaxation. You are aware of your surroundings, you are not sleeping and your senses, although altered, are active. Nitrous oxide is considered the mildest dental sedation method and is very safe. It is best utilized for patients with very mild degree of dental fear and anxiety. Patients are generally able to carry out normal daily functions (i.e. driving home or going to work) after their dental appointment. Only a few minutes of oxygen breathing is required for recovery.
Oral dental sedation refers to utilizing an oral sedative in the form of a pill. Usually a benzodiazepine like Halcion (Triazolam) taken one hour prior to the procedure. The oral sedative is usually taken at the office under pulse oximetery monitoring that measures pulse, blood pressure and level of oxygen in the body (oxygen saturation) periodically. Oral sedation provides a deeper sense of relaxation and sedation than nitrous oxide depending on the dosage of oral sedative given. You may or may not sleep during oral sedation; in either case you can be awakened and responsive to verbal instructions under this type of sedation. Generally the oral sedative is given to the patient and then they will wait in the treatment room for 45-60 minutes until the sedative takes effect. There is a delayed recovery period up to 5 hours. The patient undergoing oral sedation must be accompanied by an escort to drive them home.
IV dental sedation is delivered through your veins. Versed (Midazolam) and Fentanyl (Sublimaze) are the most commonly used drugs for dental IV sedation. With IV sedation, the level of sedation is readily and easily controlled and customized by your dentist in real time. This immediate ability to control and customize the level of sedation makes IV sedation safer and much more effective than oral sedation method. The desired effect which can be achieved within minutes. You will experience a deeper feeling of relaxation and sedation. You are more likely to sleep under IV sedation, however, you can be awakened and responsive to verbal instructions. IV dental sedation is much more effective than oral sedation due to the higher margin of safety and the ability to control the level of sedation. An escort is required to drive the patient home and there is a delayed recovery period for up to 5 hours or more depending on IV sedatives used. With IV sedation, anti-inflammatory and pain medication can easily be given since the IV route is available which translates to a much more comfortable recovery especially if surgery was part of the dental treatment provided under sedation.
Cosmetic dentistry encompasses procedures that enhance the shade of teeth, correct minor crowding or spacing, shaping gum and equalize teeth with different sizes. Our goal is to provide you with the most beautiful and ideally contoured smile, with state-of-the-art technology.
Our cosmetic services include:
Below are videos for each service listed above:
Now offering Smile-Vision!
Using this new technology, we can show you an electronic preview of how your smile will look after treatment.
Shrewsbury, Claywell & Oliver Dentistry has experience in a wide range of dental implants and procedures. We utilize our state-of-the-art technology for better planning and precision when placing implants, creating visual simulations and much more.
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants may be an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.
Types of Implants
Shrewsbury, Claywell & Oliver Dentistry has experience in a wide range of dental implants and procedures. The diagnostic process for dental implants will always start with a 3D CT Scan imaging of the jaw. Our iCAT 3-D Dental Imaging System (3D x-ray), provides our doctors with state-of-the-art technology for better planning and precision when placing implants, creating visual simulations and much more.
We offer a wide range of dental implant options, including immediate dental implants, mini-dental implants, and metal free dental implants. Also, with multiple dental implant procedures, we have routinely utilized virtual surgery planning to ensure the accuracy of placement.
We offer a five year replacement warranty on dental implants and all fixed restorations, including dental veneers, dental crowns, and dental bridges. (The only requirement is to maintain your regular cleanings and exams).
Contact us today for your free dental implant consultation.
If you would like to improve the stability and retention of your denture without messy denture adhesives than dental implants may be solution for you.